Welcome to The Bridge.

English translation helper

On these pages you will find facts about Swedish shipping from steam to high-speed.
Carriers and ships will be presented but only those ships that I have in my collection of postcards.
You can't expect a thorough account. Since the site is about Swedish shipping it will naturally be in Swedish.
If you want to understand the site, you should simply learn Swedish. It is not that difficult; over here even the kids speak this beautiful language fluently. While you're learning I will try to guide you in how to find your way on the site and give you a translation of the some key words so that you can get a rough understanding of the contents.
An introductory page about my collection and me you will find here:About me
On the first page you will find a number of links that will take you further on the site.

Rederier = ship owners, carrier
Varv = Shipyards
Sjösättningar = Launchings/Updates
Fartygsindex = Ships' index
From the "carrier" link you will come to the list over the ship owners. Choose which carrier you would like to read about and you will get to a summary over the history of the carrier.
Here you will find a list over the specific ships of each carrier, as a rule both in alphabetic and chronological order.
Under each ship picture you will find facts about the ship.
In order to understand the information I have translated the abbreviations:

Åter alfa=backward alfa to prev. ship
Åter År=backward year to prev. ship
BRYGGAN=Back to homepage
SOL(ex)=back to the current carriers page
REDERI=Back to ship owners
TILLBAKA=Back to previous page
Framåt alfa=forward alfa to next ship
Framåt år=forward year to next ship


Reg:the registry number in the Swedish shipping register Byggd:delivered year Varv:shipyard and/or country. For northern wharfs an abbreviation will be used.
DW: BR: Mått:measures (length*breadth*beam)
Knop/Fart:knots Kylda: reefrighted
Pass: passengers Bilar: cars

Reoccurring words in the text:

Såld = sold
Inköpt = purchased
Ombyggd = rebuilt
Förlängd = lengthened
Upphuggen = broken up
Förlist = wrecked
Sänkt = scuttled
Omdöpt/Nytt namn = new name
Brand/Eldhärjad = fire
Grundstötte = grounded

I hope that you will benefit from this introduction in the Swedish language. I hope that there will be more texts translated into English further on, even if there won't be a complete translation of each and every ship's history.

Any more questions?, contact me at:

Thanks to my translator, brother Ola